Home is where…

Alright, I must admit, I ran out of steam for before and after photos. Also, I decided to spare you the fist-sized balls of hair I pulled out of each and every bathroom drain. I know photos are more fun, but just trust me – the house was dirty and needed new paint. That Spiced Latte color we chose for the downstairs dining and front room (and extended into the upstairs hall) turned out to be gorgeous. It reminds me of of the very palest coral-yellow tone of a colorful sunset; a bit less vivid.

Winter sunset at Clayton Beach Along Washington State Rt 11, Chuckanut Drive, near the city of Bellingham

It warms up the living area. I did not realize that the greenish-beige that was on the walls before was such a dull color until we started to repaint. Initially I thought it was a perfectly fine color and so much better than stark white. My goal is to repaint the whole upstairs common area with it by next year. It took us a long time to do downstairs because we have some precarious wall-ceiling features that made an extension ladder necessary.


Any minute now the movers should arrive. Living without my most of  house hold things for a year has made me appreciate one’s ability to live with less stuff. However, I sure am looking forward to my own bed! Even before our things arrive, I suppose this house is home now because:


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